Manufacuturing Education Brunswick Glynn County GeorgiaSite Selection Consultant Kate McEnroe to Develop Workforce Study

The Southeast Georgia Joint Development Authority (SEGAJDA), has hired McEnroe Consulting to develop a library of information that will be used in proactive marketing and in responding to project inquiries. The SEGAJDA is a six county regional authority formed in 2005 by Brantley, Camden, Charlton, Glynn, McIntosh and Wayne Counties with the mission to leverage resources in the pursuit of growing employment opportunities in the southeast GA coastal area.

The SEGAJDA Workforce Committee Chairman James Coughlin stated “individual counties in Southeast Georgia have all committed to work through a process of diagnosing the workforce situation.”

The group will enlist support from other educational institutions and agencies involved in filling workforce requirements.

John Scott from the Brunswick – Glynn County Development Authority said “workforce is a critical issue for Glynn County’s existing industries and prospects considering the Golden Isles for a new location or expansion.  Understanding our workforce is a critical first step in knowing what we need to do to continue the momentum we already have with our workforce development infrastructure.”

Industry Leading Site Selection Consultant Kate McEnroe to Conduct the Study

The project will be facilitated by Kate McEnroe, a Chicago based consultant with over 25 years of experience evaluating communities on behalf of corporate location projects. The outcome will be a living document that the IDAs are equipped to keep up to date, as well as recommendation regarding initiatives the region can put in place to increase the competitiveness of the workforce.

A kickoff Stakeholders event will be held in January and the study should be completed next summer.  |